lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

OT Telefe Flor de la V podria cambiar su nombre

OT Telefe
La Justicia le dio el visto bueno.
La Justicia le dio el visto bueno.

La Justicia de la Capital Federal la autorizó a llamarse legalmente por su apelativo artístico en lugar de Roberto Carlos Trinidad, como figuraba hasta ahora en su documento. El fallo fue firmado por la jueza Elena Liberatori.

Flor de la V tiene un motivo para descorchar: la Justicia la habilitó para que su nombre artístico figure en su documento de identidad.

Así, la actriz dejará en el ropero su apelativo masculino Roberto Carlos Trinidad para llamarse legalmente 'Florencia de la V', según informaron a la agencia DyN fuentes judiciales.

El fallo fue emitido por la jueza Elena Liberatori y puede ser apelado por el Estado porteño. Sin embargo, según su resolución, el contenido del fallo sólo podrá ser revelado públicamente previa 'notificación fehaciente de la actora' de su consentimiento.

Fuente :

Operacion Triunfo Estefania Gonzalez Operacion Triunfo Estefania Gonzalez

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

OT Argentina Tori worried her milkshake isn't enough

OT Argentina
Actress-turned-reality TV star Tori Spelling has massive trust issues - she constantly quizzes her actor husband Dean McDermott about his female friends, because she fears he will cheat on her.
The former 'Beverly Hills, 90210' star met and fell in love with McDermott in 2006 on the set of their TV movie 'Mind Over Murder.'
At the time, both were married to other people - Spelling was wed to actor Charlie Shanian, while McDermott and Mary Jo Eustace were a couple.
In her new memoir Uncharted TerriTORI, she writes, 'Given our history, I often get worried that Dean is going to cheat on me. If the phone rings and it's a girl's voice I have to ask if he's having an affair.

Your relationship was founded on shady dealings and now you're worried about what your partner is doing? if we follow your past logic Tori then it's okay to cheat as long as you really need to... you all met on the set of a straight to basic cable movie and your love was so strong you both ended your respective marriages and ran off together? And didn't Tori show up to your ex-wife's house with a knife in her purse to sort your ex-wife out? that's the type of woman you're sleeping with everynight? and Tori, your husband already had like 2 or 3 kids with his wife in Canada, are you making sure he's being a father to those kids? do they know their siblings? honestly, the two seem like decent enough people, but you can't build a house on quicksand and be suprised when it crumbles...
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viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013


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