lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Chismes Ricky Martin feliz por aprobación del matrimonio gay en Argentina

El cantante puertorriqueño comentó en su Twitter que el país sureño es "una nación pensante, tolerante y justa"
Martin compartió su felicidad con sus seguidores en Twitter por la aprobación del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo y su derecho a adopción en Argentina.
Argentina se ha convertido en el primer país latinoamericano en aprobar este tipo de uniones.

The Puerto-Rican singer commented on his twitter that the South American country (Argentina) is 'thinking, tolerant and just'
Martin shared his happiness with his followers on Twitter for the approval of same sex marriage and the right of adoption in Argentina.
Argentina has become the first LatinAmerican country to approve this type of union.

Congratulations to Argentina! While this is a right that people should have always had, it's still exciting to see such progress being made. Argentina still has a long way to go in a fair number of areas though. The colorism, classism, sexism that occurs in South America has got to stop. Because if you plan to leave your country just remember the African proverb: 'The son of a king is a slave everywhere else' or 'A dog barks loudest in his own yard'. Which means you might act up on your own turf, but that probably won't go over as well when you're in someone else's country.
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